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7.1 Graph Exponential Growth Functions

Exponential Growth

Exponential Growth occurs when the base b is greater than 1.
Reference: McDougal Littell, Algebra 2, pg. 478
Reference: McDougal Littell, Algebra 2, pg. 478

Exponential Growth - Teaching

Growth is what we think of when we say something is growing exponentially. - When we take the exponent of a number greater than 1, that number is multiplied by itself the number of times the exponent specifies. - Explore - Multiply a number less than 1 by itself several times. What happens to the result?

Note for Teacher

Hint: If they are multiplying a number greater than 1 exponentially, you should be able to observe exponential growth very quickly.

Reference: Tim Brzezinski

Instructions for Model

- Move base slider around - Note how the graph is manipulated mainly when the base is greater than 1.