TJB GeoGebra Sampler
Contains a sample of applets that show how GeoGebra can be used as a powerful tool to
(a) Foster Discovery Learning
(b) Differentiate Instruction
(c) Provide Students With Opportunities for Meaningful Remediation, and
(d) Provide Students With Numerous Opportunities for Informal Assessment

Table of Contents
Sample Discovery (and/or "re-discovery") Learning Applets
- Triangle Angle Theorems
- Quadrilateral Angle Theorems
- Pentagon Angle Theorems
- Blueprint Equation of a Line (I)
- Inscribed Angle Theorem (V1)
- Another Special Right Triangle (Guided Discovery)
- Derivative of Sine Function (Intuitive Discovery)
- Right Triangle Trigonometry: Intro
- Angle Formed by 2 Chords (I)
- Angle Formed by 2 Chords (II)
- Circle Equation: Center (0,0)
- Complementary Meaning?
Sample Applets That Illustrate Differentiation of Instruction
Sample Dynamic Reference Applets Useful for Meaningful Remediation
- Slope: Intuitive Introduction
- Circle Terminology
- Transformations of Graphs (a, h, k)
- Graphing The Derivative of a Function
- Area of a Triangle (Discovery)
- Circle Area (By Peeling!)
- Another Special Triangle and its Properties (II)
- Trigonometric Ratios (Right Triangle Context)
- Optimization: Area of a Rectangle
Sample Informal Assessment Applets
- Graphing Linear Equations: Question Generator (V2)
- Writing Linear Equations (I) - B Obvious
- Percents: Quiz (I)
- Distance in the Coordinate Plane (Quiz without Grid)
- Solving Quadratic Equations Using Quadratic Formula (Quiz)
- Graph y = a sin(x) + d (Quiz)
- Endpoint (x,y) of a Segment Given Midpoint & Other Endpoint
- AAP - Problem 2
- AAP - Problem 3
- AAP - Problem 1 (Discovery)