Discovery Lessons (Interactive)
Contains a sampler of several Geometry lessons where students actively use GeoGebra to DISCOVER many theorems and other principles/concepts for themselves. Many of the worksheets in this book contain PDF copies of the discovery lessons I have used, much to students' success, within my classes. For an exhaustive resource containing over 400 worksheets mapped to one (or more) of the CCSS-High School: Geometry standards, go to https://www.geogebra.org/m/yCs9zxry

Table of Contents
Introductory Discoveries
Quick Assessments of Introductory Discoveries
Discovery Learning Labs (Less Scaffolding)
- Isosceles Triangle Theorem: Discovery Lab
- Converse of IST: Template
- Parallelogram Construction Template & Discovery Lab
- Points of Concurrency: Investigation
- Parallel Lines Proportionality Theorem
- Square Template with Investigation Questions
- Tangents to Circles: Investigation
- Angle -Angle: Triangle Investigation
Discovery Learning Labs (More Scaffolding)
Locus Tasks (Less Scaffolding)
Locus Tasks (More Scaffolding)