Proving Triangles Similar (1)
Some transformations we've already learned about preserve DISTANCE. These transformations are called ISOMETRIES. Recall isometries include
Translation by Vector
Rotation about a Point
Reflection about a Line
Reflection about a Point ( same as 180-degree rotation about a point)
For a quick refresher about isometries, see this Messing with Mona applet.
Yet there's ANOTHER transformation that DOES NOT preserve distance.
This transformation is called a dilation.
For a quick refresher about properties of dilations, click here.
By definition,
ANY 2 figures are said to be SIMILAR FIGURES if and only if one can be mapped perfectly onto the other under a single transformation OR a composition of 2 or more transformations. (These possible transformations include all those listed above: ISOMETRIES & NON-ISOMETRIES.)
Given the definition of similar figures described above, prove that is SIMILAR to by using any one or more of the transformational geometry tools in the limited tool bar.