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Creating multiple objects from sequences


These circles were created as individual parts of sequences. The Sequence[...] command does not only allow you to create sequences of numbers, but of any objects. Also, multiple objects can be created by using the spreadsheet. (This side originally created by Jonas Hall)

Sample construction

When to use

Creating multiple objects with partly the same characteristics can be useful for:
  • Creating many random objects for Monte Carlo Simulations (Use a random element in the command).
  • Creating custom labels, custom grid marks, custom grids etc
  • Exploring many objects at once
  • Any situation which would normally require a FOR loop.

How do you do this?

The construction above uses the following KEY ELEMENTS:
  • The command that creates the circle: In this case it is the command Circle[(p, 0), p] for some values of p.
  • The Sequence Command: In this case we let p run from 1 to 3 in steps of 0.2 so the command is Sequence[XXX, p, 0, 3, 0.2] where the XXX is the stuff you want to repeat.
  • The complete command is: Sequence[Circle[(p, 0), p], p, 0, 3, 0.2]. Please note that p is not a local variable and should be one you haven't used before or you'll get unexpected results. The result is a list of your objects and can only be manipulated as a list e.g. with regards to color etc.

Screencast of construction

More examples

Creating custom labels (From Lew):