Copy of The Module
GeoGebra modules
The intervention is a set of GeoGebra activities prepared by the researcher and
tested with both students and teachers over many years. The activities are made according to the following criteria:
1. Each is students’ centered.
2. Each is made to be conducted in a computer lab by the students but could be conducted elsewhere (Classroom or as a homework).
3. Each is made in a way so that students will discover the concept or theorem under study.
4. Each includes immediate application of the concept under study.
5. No prior knowledge of the software is needed.
In addition in a workshop teachers will learn the technology as an integrated part of applying the activities
The Lesson Selection & Preparation criteria
The criteria used for lesson selection is based on the criteria found by Angeli & Valanides (2009) called ICT-TPCK with the following five points:
1) Identification of lessons to be taught with technology (in this research GeoGebra) in ways that signify added value, such as lessons that students cannot easily comprehend, lessons that teachers face difficulties in teaching them effectively in class, or important mathematics concepts.
2) Identification of representations that are not supported by traditional means.
(Dynamic, multiple simultaneous representations…)
3) Identification of teaching strategies(exploration or discovery…)
4) Selection of appropriate ICT tool(s) which is in this case GeoGebra.
5) Identification of appropriate strategies for the infusion of technology in the classroom (any strategy that puts the learner at the center of the learning process).