2413 1.2/1.3 Limits Exploration
Copy the graph of the piecewise-defined function f(x) in your notebook and respond to these prompts.
- Write the formulas for the red and blue functions.
- (Approximate) What is f(5)? f(10)? f(8)?
- What does y get close to as x gets close to 8, coming from the left?
- What about from the right?
- Best guess: What is the limit of f(x) as x approaches 8?
Click "Next", make another quick sketch, and respond to these prompts with the new function, g(x).
- Write the formulas for the red and blue functions.
- (Approximate) What is g(2)? g(10)? g(8)?
- What does y get close to as x gets close to 8, coming from the left?
- What about from the right?
- Best guess: What is the limit of g(x) as x approaches 8?