Google Classroom
GeoGebraClasse GeoGebra

Carrier Landing

You must give the pilot of the plane the angle which to approach the carrier to land on the angled deck. The plane is traveling at 140 knots, the ship at 30. There are four arresting wires across the landing path to capture the plane's tail hook. The pilots aim for the midpoint between the 2nd and 3rd wire (initially at the coordinates (73,87)). Adjust the aim handle to the angle which will land the plane within the landing zone (between the dotted runway lines and between the 1 and 4 wires. If you correctly land the plane, you get the message "Good Landing" but if you do not hit the landing zone, everyone yells "Bolter" with derision. Use the buttons to create a new landing problem, set the time to zero (for another try), and to start the landing based on the angle you have set.