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GeoGebraAula GeoGebra

Exploring the Properties of an Isosceles Trapezoid

Click on the boxes to show various measurements within the isosceles trapezoid. Change the size of the isosceles trapezoid by clicking and dragging point B and C. Make conjectures about the properties of a isosceles trapezoid.
For each of the questions below that you can answer yes to regardless of where you place point B or C, write a check mark in that box on your summary chart under isosceles trapezoid. Is there exactly 1 pair of parallel sides? Are there 2 pairs of parallel sides? Is there exactly 1 pair of congruent sides? Are there 2 pairs of congruent sides? Are all 4 sides congruent to each other? Are the diagonals perpendicular? Are the diagonals congruent? Do the diagonals bisect the angles? Do the diagonals bisect each other? Is there exactly 1 pair of opposite angles congruent? Are 2 pairs of opposite congruent angles? Are all the angles congruent? Are the base angles congruent?