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GeoGebra Classroom
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GeoGebra Classroom
Mike's Cool Examples
Draggable Inequality Demo
Demo: White border around the edge
Demo: draggable angle greater than 360° (prototype clock)
Gradient Fill Demo
Bounding box for an ellipse
Draw your own Cumulative Frequency Curve
Testing if a point is inside a triangle (3 methods)
Draw a sine wave - how accurately can you manage?
Morphing Polyhedra
Hyperbolic paraboloid (Polypropylene + Laser Cutter)
Linkage with non-90° joint
The Gear Curve
Ellipse linkage (van Schooten)
Anscombe's Quartet
Playing Card Tool (SVG)
Soma Cube (240 solutions)
Can you climb through a sheet of paper?
Filled Shape using Parametric Curves
Random Country Outlines
Sliceform Cone
Formula for number of days in each month
Parametric "e"
Ultimate SVG protractor
Parametric equation of a regular pentagon
7 Mutually Touching Cylinders
Exact Cubic Solver
Equation of a Conic through 5 Points (using determinants)
Family of Lissajous Curves
Breaking a rod into 3 random pieces (simulation)
Triomino Tessellation (based on a proof by induction)
Snowflake Template
Template for "Crazy paper thing"
Rotational Symmetry order 4 (make your own)
Voronoi Diagram Animation
Pythagoras Tree
Transforming a Heart into Mickey Mouse
Crease pattern for an origami hyperbolic paraboloid
Angle Trisection Neusis
Stirling Recording Chart
Tessellation of a general quadrilateral
Template for "slide togethers"
Steiner's Porism
A single equation for a smiley face
Demo: Tangents to a quartic curve
SurdText example
Miura Ori Crease Pattern
Star Template
Patterns in decimals (rational / recurring/ irrational)
Baryon Decuplet
Find the shortest distance between two points
How to fill an arbitrary shape
Common Tangents to 2 Parabolas
Demo: Cancel dragging an object
Demo: Reflected Image
Volume of Revolution (2012!)
Examples with TableText for html5
Factored Polynomial Demo
LaTeX color calculator for the \textcolor command
Tangent to Freehand Function (mockup)
3D Point Snapping using Dynamic Coordinates
LaTeX Tables with merged cells & columns
DynamicCoordinates() Demo: stick to extrema
How to create a 3rd Graphics View in GeoGebra
Demo: DataFunction() for piecewise linear function
Demo: Animated GIF / multi-page PDF export with ExportImage()
Demo: click image to rotate
Demo: how to shade regions (by Mathmagic)
Demo: open webpage using JavaScript
Dynamic Coordinates Demo (drag polygon)
Demo: Continuous Piecewise Integral
setTimeout() emulation in GeoGebra Classic 5
Demo: constrain a Segment to 15° intervals
Demo: 3 Graphics Views showing f(x), f'(x), f''(x)
Demo: defining a numerical integral using Locus(), Sort() and DataFunction()
Demo: label x-axis in hours:mins
Demo: draggable bar (for barchart etc)
Demo: Point on Piecewise
Demo: random fraction in LaTeX function
Demo: print image with a little JavaScript
SetPerspective Demo (switch between Graphics and Spreadsheet)
Demo: Play inlined MP3 with PlaySound("data:audio/mp3;base64,SUQz...")
Demo: rational coefficients for a function
Demo: robust script event when slider resets
Demo: snapping using DynamicCoordinates()
Demo: fixed length segment using DynamicCoordinates()
Demo: count number of times A is in same position as B
Demo: ggbApplet.getDefinitionString()
Demo: Peepholes
Demo: locus filling trick for section of an annulus
Input Box Alignment
Demo: check DE solution without CAS
Demo: draggable point that stays on the vertex of a parabola when updated
Demo: center-aligned text
Demo: count points in a polygon
Matrix example (horse)
Demo: Input Box for function with fractional coefficients
Sphere packing demo (cell division)
Animation using a "spritesheet" (single tiled image)
Demo: Constrain point to concentric circles using DynamicCoordinates()
Demo: using Sort(list of points)
Dino Stats
Demo: export images using the JavaScript API
JavaScript API Example: registerAddListener()
Mike's Cool Examples
Michael Borcherds
Draggable Inequality Demo
Demo: White border around the edge
Demo: draggable angle greater than 360° (prototype clock)
Gradient Fill Demo
Bounding box for an ellipse
Draw your own Cumulative Frequency Curve
Testing if a point is inside a triangle (3 methods)
Draw a sine wave - how accurately can you manage?
Morphing Polyhedra
Hyperbolic paraboloid (Polypropylene + Laser Cutter)
Linkage with non-90° joint
The Gear Curve
Ellipse linkage (van Schooten)
Anscombe's Quartet
Playing Card Tool (SVG)
Soma Cube (240 solutions)
Can you climb through a sheet of paper?
Filled Shape using Parametric Curves
Random Country Outlines
Sliceform Cone
Formula for number of days in each month
Parametric "e"
Ultimate SVG protractor
Parametric equation of a regular pentagon
7 Mutually Touching Cylinders
Exact Cubic Solver
Equation of a Conic through 5 Points (using determinants)
Family of Lissajous Curves
Breaking a rod into 3 random pieces (simulation)
Triomino Tessellation (based on a proof by induction)
Snowflake Template
Template for "Crazy paper thing"
Rotational Symmetry order 4 (make your own)
Voronoi Diagram Animation
Pythagoras Tree
Transforming a Heart into Mickey Mouse
Crease pattern for an origami hyperbolic paraboloid
Angle Trisection Neusis
Stirling Recording Chart
Tessellation of a general quadrilateral
Template for "slide togethers"
Steiner's Porism
A single equation for a smiley face
Demo: Tangents to a quartic curve
SurdText example
Miura Ori Crease Pattern
Star Template
Patterns in decimals (rational / recurring/ irrational)
Baryon Decuplet
Find the shortest distance between two points
How to fill an arbitrary shape
Common Tangents to 2 Parabolas
Demo: Cancel dragging an object
Demo: Reflected Image
Volume of Revolution (2012!)
Examples with TableText for html5
Factored Polynomial Demo
LaTeX color calculator for the \textcolor command
Tangent to Freehand Function (mockup)
3D Point Snapping using Dynamic Coordinates
LaTeX Tables with merged cells & columns
DynamicCoordinates() Demo: stick to extrema
How to create a 3rd Graphics View in GeoGebra
Demo: DataFunction() for piecewise linear function
Demo: Animated GIF / multi-page PDF export with ExportImage()
Demo: click image to rotate
Demo: how to shade regions (by Mathmagic)
Demo: open webpage using JavaScript
Dynamic Coordinates Demo (drag polygon)
Demo: Continuous Piecewise Integral
setTimeout() emulation in GeoGebra Classic 5
Demo: constrain a Segment to 15° intervals
Demo: 3 Graphics Views showing f(x), f'(x), f''(x)
Demo: defining a numerical integral using Locus(), Sort() and DataFunction()
Demo: label x-axis in hours:mins
Demo: draggable bar (for barchart etc)
Demo: Point on Piecewise
Demo: random fraction in LaTeX function
Demo: print image with a little JavaScript
SetPerspective Demo (switch between Graphics and Spreadsheet)
Demo: Play inlined MP3 with PlaySound("data:audio/mp3;base64,SUQz...")
Demo: rational coefficients for a function
Demo: robust script event when slider resets
Demo: snapping using DynamicCoordinates()
Demo: fixed length segment using DynamicCoordinates()
Demo: count number of times A is in same position as B
Demo: ggbApplet.getDefinitionString()
Demo: Peepholes
Demo: locus filling trick for section of an annulus
Input Box Alignment
Demo: check DE solution without CAS
Demo: draggable point that stays on the vertex of a parabola when updated
Demo: center-aligned text
Demo: count points in a polygon
Matrix example (horse)
Demo: Input Box for function with fractional coefficients
Sphere packing demo (cell division)
Animation using a "spritesheet" (single tiled image)
Demo: Constrain point to concentric circles using DynamicCoordinates()
Demo: using Sort(list of points)
Dino Stats
Demo: export images using the JavaScript API
JavaScript API Example: registerAddListener()
Draggable Inequality Demo
New Resources
International Day of Mathematics 2025
Flip 9 Coins
Golden Rectangles and Golden Spirals
Flip A Bunch of Coins
Balls in an Urn
Discover Resources
The min value of the sum of the lengths of the hypotenuses
Congruent Triangles: Proofs
Number Dots and Place Value
Pickover's Mygalomorph Patterns
קטע אמצעים בטרפז 1
Discover Topics
Circumcircle or Circumscribed Circle
Linear Equations
Optimization Problems