Google Classroom

Applications Worksheet I-3

Problem 3

A hipped roof is in the shape of a pyramid with a rectangular base.  It has edges AE, BE, CE, and DE all of equal length.  If the perimeter of the base is 36 meters, the perimeter of triangle AEB is 30 meters, and the perimeter of triangle BEC is 24 meters, find AB, BC, and AE.

Organize your data:

Define your variables on a separate sheet of paper, and create your equations. Solve this system of equations for each variable. Be sure to include labels on your final answers.
In the window below, you can enter your equations on the left to view the 3D graph of your application.   Make this graph useful, and think about it.  Do you see one single solution?  Are their multiple?  Any?   When you find an algebraic answer, check the graph to see if what you've found makes sense. Plot your solution point by simply entering it as (1,2,3) for example.  Does the point line up with what your graph expected?