TEAC 880E Assignments

Modern Geometry
- H 1.5 Rectangle Const
- H 1.7 Equilateral Triangle Const
- H1.9 Isoscelese Triangle Const
- H 2.1 Square Const
- H 2.2 Reg Hexagon Const
- H 2.3 Perpendicular Bisector
- H 2.4 Theorem of Thales
- H 2.7 Intro to Sliders
- H 3.4 Derivatives
- H 3.5 Polynomials
- H 5.1 Reflected Point
- H 5.2 Point Coordinate Text
- H 5.3 Linear EQ's (SoE)
- H 5.4 Angle Sum of a Triangle
- H 5.5 Slope Triangle
- H 5.6 Fractions & Attached Text
Friesen Activities