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GeoGebra Classroom
MIT-Haiti Worksheets
Euler's line
Point in an equilateral triangle
Beyond the median
Ants walking around a triangle
Quadrilateral with inscribed circle (tangent construction)
Quadrilateral with inscribed circle (vertex construction)
Yin Yang Yin
Sum of circle areas
Three tangent circles with spreadsheet
Two planets & a sun - a digital triptych
Burning tent on an elliptical island
An interesting function on the space of quadrilaterals
The three roots of a cubic function
Rational functions & asymptotic behavior
MIT-Haiti Worksheets
Jeremy Orloff
A set of worksheets from MIT-Haiti Initiative workshops. Most of these worksheets are adaptations of worksheets created by Judah Schwartz.
Euler's line
Point in an equilateral triangle
Beyond the median
Ants walking around a triangle
Quadrilateral with inscribed circle (tangent construction)
Quadrilateral with inscribed circle (vertex construction)
Yin Yang Yin
Sum of circle areas
Three tangent circles with spreadsheet
Two planets & a sun - a digital triptych
Burning tent on an elliptical island
An interesting function on the space of quadrilaterals
The three roots of a cubic function
Rational functions & asymptotic behavior
Euler's line
New Resources
Nobody Likes to Be a Semicircle
גיליון אלקטרוני להעלאת נתוני בעיה ויצירת גרף בהתאם
Nobody Likes to Be a Circle Either
JLA Eri Chan
Ogee Arch - Construction
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Parallelogram for Blog
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Special Points
Differential Calculus