Ticket Prices

Ticket prices for a Talent Show

You are selling tickets to the talent show. There are two types of tickets: adult tickets are $5 and child tickets are $3. Let x = the number of adult tickets sold and let y = the number of child tickets sold. You have sold 20 tickets and you have collected $84 total. Represent this information in two equations.

Ticket prices for a Talent Show

You are selling tickets to the talent show. There are two types of tickets: adult tickets are $5 and child tickets are $3. Let x = the number of adult tickets sold and let y = the number of child tickets sold. You have sold 20 tickets and you have collected $84 total. Represent this information in two equations.

Solve the two equations for x and y. Show all working.

Solve the two equations for x and y. Show all working.