Miss Reed's Book
Miss Reed's book of GeoGebra lessons/worksheets.

Tabla de contenidos
- Exploring Alternate Exterior Angles (V2)
- Exploring Corresponding Angles (V2)
- Alternate Interior Angles Theorem (V1)
- Same Side Interior Angles Theorem
- Perpendicular Bisector Definition
- A Special Theorem: Part 2 (V4)
- Incenter & Incircle Action!
- Incenter Exploration (A)
- Animation 28
- Triangle Proportionality and Angle Bisector
- Circle Equation: Center NOT (0,0)
- Equation of a Circle
- Regular Polygons: Perimeter & Area
- regular polygon area g6
- A tessellation with fishes (Escher).
- 1.4.2b Identifying Quadrilaterals
- 10-4 Inscribed Angles and Polygons-PART B