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GeoGebraAula GeoGebra

Volumes of Revolution with Disks/Washers

This worksheet is intended to demonstrate the concepts behind the disk/washer method for calculating Volumes of Revolution. Note that all the labeled points in the 2D Graphics window are sliders. They don't snap to "clean" values as well as one may like, but precise computation is not the primary goal of the simulation. If they don't click/drag smoothly, consider selecting one of them and using the arrow keys on a keyboard to adjust values. The axis of revolution can be dragged either above or below the curves. You may enter functions f(x) and g(x) into the input fields or just drag the unrestricted graphs (in grey) in the 2D Graphics window. If you'd like to hide the highlighted disk/washer radii, just drag point C all the way to the left. Acknowledged, the appearance is a bit cluttered, but hopefully the controls are found to be pretty intuitive. Use of this simulation for scenarios in which human life is at stake is strictly prohibited. ----------------- Also see: ---------------------------------- Just for funsies, here's the original version of this construction, constructed entirely in 2D before GeoGebra had native 3D capabilities.