Video Four: The Eyes of Hyperion
The Combinations of the Vantages and Moon Phases together make up the Eyes of Hyperion.. Each planet has one, with its own rotation period and number of moons; but only Earth's is used for this model. Earth’s rotation equals 24 hours, while a Lunar Orbit is roughly 28 days. This is the symbol for the Eye of Hyperion.
The Vantages describe which section of the earth the sun is shining on; or which section of the earth is facing the sun. The earth is divided into four sections and uses times of the day to mark them. These divisions are relative to the point of noon or midnight anywhere on the planet.
Focusing on the earth’s rotations while it orbits the sun we can divide its own personal 360-degree circle into four sections, or vantages. At noon proper, the sun reaches its zenith, the spot directly overhead. This is when there is a straight line between a location on the Earth’s surface and the sun. If an imaginary line were to run through the earth connecting the zenith and nadir points in reference to the sun at noon at any given time, and then running another imaginary perpendicular line - we would have the four cross sections of the 360-degree circle of the Earth’s revolution.
Vantage 1: Midnight (12:01 AM) to 6 AM.
Vantage 2: 6:01 AM to Noon.
Vantage 3: Noon (12:01 PM) to 6 PM.
Vantage 4: 6:01 PM to Midnight
The Moon Phases are the positions of the orbit of the moon around the earth. These can be tracked by observing the amount of light reflecting off of the moon from our sun. When the moon is on the opposite side of the earth from the sun, it is full; and vice versa for the new moon. The moon has no constellation of its own, it shares Earth’s at all times. The only effect that the moon has on us is the moon phases.
MP1: Waxing Crescent to the 1st Quarter.
MP2: Waxing Gibbous to the Full Moon.
MP3: Waning Gibbous to the 3rd Quarter.
MP4: Waning Crescent to the New Moon.
This is a table of the Eye of Hyperion combinations.
YouTube Video Link:
The Vantages
The Moon Phases
The Eyes of Hyperion Table