Composing Prisms by Stacking Cubes

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GR. 4-5


Model the concept of the volume of a solid figure using cubic units.

Composing Prisms by Stacking Cubes

Explore how the volume of a 3-dimensional prism is composed layer by layer in this activity.

Putting It All Together

Answer these open ended questions on your own or with others to form deeper math connections.

Open-ended question 1

In your own words, how would you describe a unit cube?

Text and math input

Open-ended question 2

How does each individual dimension of the cube affect its volume?

Text and math input

Open-ended question 3

What are possible side lengths of a prism with a volume of 12?

Text and math input

Open-ended question 4

How does the height of the prism affects its volume?

Text and math input