Spiral Curriculum (J. Bruner)
As we know, it is very hard for students to find reasons and proofs by their own. We are sure that reasoning and proof requires continuing development. One – very old – concept that deals with continuing development is the “Spiral curriculum” by Jerome Bruner.
Key features of the spiral curriculum
*) revisiting a topic, theme or subject
*) complexity increases with each visit
*) new information are put in context with old information
Benefits of the spiral curriculum
*) information is reinforced an solidified
*) progression from simplistic to complicated ideas
*) apply early knowledge for later course objectives
Spiral Curriculum

Usually the spiral curriculum was used for mathematical subjects and content areas. But it also possible to extend the spiral curriculum for typical mathematical activities and processes to enable a step-by-step acquirement of competence. Accounting this we generated a four level model to develop the competence “Reasoning and proof” from grade 5 to grade 12.