Scientific program

Papers and posters
Friday, February 15th, 2019
9:30 am
Petra Surynková | presentation | GeoGebra and spatial geometry |
Celina Abar | presentation | Study Quadric Surfaces: a proposal using GeoGebra 3D-printed materials |
Diogo Castro | poster | Gifmath: educative website for geometry learning and teaching Gifmath: website educativo para o ensino e aprendizagem da geometria |
Greg Cruz Silva | poster | 2nd Degree Inequalities: An attempt to demystify their approach by constructing changes of records and treatments in the learning of Content with the aid of Geogebra |
Katarzyna Winkowska-Nowak | presentation | GeoGebra in Poland: challenges in managing relevant online materials for Polish teachers |
Valerian Antohe, Mircea Crisnic | presentation | Ten Years with GeoGebra |