Soccer 2v2 - Positioning, Angles, and Dilations

Adding More Players

1. Predict
OffenseA has the ball, and needs to make a split-second decision. She is deciding between shooting or passing to her teammate, OffenseB. Which do you think is the better decision and why? Explain your reasoning in 2-3 sentences.
2. Investigate
Soccer - 2v2 Example
2a - She takes the shot
Suppose OffenseA has the ball and decides to shoot. How much of the goal is covered by the goalkeeper's dilation? Where does the dilation of DefenderA end up if we use this point as the center of our dilation?
2b - She passes
Change the checkboxes so that OffenseB has the ball now. How did this change the images on the dilation? Are they in the same spot as in 2a? Describe how the images are positioned compared to the center of dilation.
2c - Other Observations
What other geometric properties (angles, area, midpoints, parallel lines) did you find in the scenario? Record your observations.
3. Revise
Now revisit your initial answer. Would you change your advice from part 1, or make the same suggestion? Justify your response with some of your observations from part 2.
4. Create
Design a different "Pass or shoot" scenario in the applet below. In the text box, explain who has the ball, which choice you'd recommend (pass or shoot), and why.