Art & Animations
Hello everyone! This is a set of fun animations that I made using different GeoGebra commands. For example, some of the basic commands I used are:
- Rotation()
- Translation()
- Dilatation()
- Sequence()
- SetDynamicColor()
- Execute()
- Zip()
- Flatten()
- CopyFreeObject()

Table of Contents
Two dimensions B&W
- Optical illusion
- Waves with dots
- Waves with dots II
- Wind
- Waves & dots
- Wind II
- Wind III
- Wind IV
- Wind V
- Triangle umbrella
- Pentagonal Umbrella
- 4-simplex
- Simplexes
- Moire patterns
- Rotating embedded regular polygons
- Animation flower
- Animation flower II
- Animation flower III
- Animation flower IV
- Animation flower V
- Rotating hexagonal segments
- Circles animation with parametric curves
- Space travel
- Animation polygon B&W
- Animation polygon B&W II
- Pixelated waves
- Knots
- Skip the Curve
- Golden ratio
- Dance of the Cantor Set
- Check this out!
- Harmony
- Hexagonal spin
- Mixing
- 12-fold pattern in 6-4-3-4 grid
- Noisy loop
- Let's fly!
Two dimensions Color
- Waves & dots
- Rotation inside triangle
- Water waves
- Water waves II
- Water waves III
- Rolling shutter
- Rolling shutter II
- Colorful shapes
- Colorful shapes II
- Colorful waves on circle
- Random labyrinths
- Recamán's sequence
- Colourful waves with circles
- The Fourier Transform
- Rainbow circles animation with parametric curves
- Dancing circles
- Rainbow sunflower
- Rainbow Sunflower growing in spirals
- Sunflower pattern
- Rainbow sunflower II
- Sunflower with zoom
- Rainbow Cantor set animation
- Cantor set on a disk
- Harter-Heighway Dragon fractal
- Cubes illusion III
- Cubes illusion II
- Cube illusion
- Visual representation of Fibonacci sequence mod 9
- Visual representation of the digital root of Fibonacci sequence
- Fibonacci sequence visual representation
- Recamán's sequence II
- Fourier Transform animation
- Fourier Transform animation: Saw tooth
- Fourier Transform animation: Signal
- Polygon illusion
- Perception illusion
- Perception illusion II
- Hypotrochoid: Triangles and Squares
- Triangles-Squares animation
- A square knot
- Tesselación hexagonal
- Hexagons animation
- DVD logo animation
- Rainbow snake
- Impossible figures
- Wave strings
- Flower curves
- Random colorful trees
- Rainbow Fibonacci Spiral
- Immersive complex space
- Gears
- Colorful random circles
- Colorful Nautilus
- Waves over interval
- Coloring lists and classes of objects
- Rainbow conics as envelopes of straight lines
- Jellyfish
- Time-dependent vector field III
- Time-dependent vector field II
- Rainbow solution curves of ODEs
- Dancing solution curves of ODEs
- Dancing solution curves of ODEs II
- Rainbow rotation illusion
- Pencil of conics
- Generative art with segments
- Rainbow snake with attractor
- The dance of the rhombi
- Rainbow Pappus chain
- Impossible triangle animation
- Rosetón San Ildefonso
- Colorful circles
- Sea creature animation
- Rectangular random art
- Flag & wind
- Circle rotation illusion
- 2D Rainbow Steiner chain
- Galaxy: Rotations and Dilatations
- Galaxy II: Rotations and Dilatations
- Mystery curve
- Colorful Mystery curves
- Colorful Labyrinth
- Complex spiral
- Electric field
- Growing trees randomly
- Koch fractal animated tiling
- Mystery curves flying
- Dot fever 001
- Sine light on circle
- Sine light on circle II
- Rainbow reflection on circle
- Sine light on Spiral
- Sine light on Golden Spiral
- Inifinite zoom on mystery curve
- Infinite Mystery curves II
- For Thijs - Yeganeh: A bird in flight (2015)
- Rainbow circles
- Water Drop
- Complex roots of ax^2+bx+c
- Sacred spiral
- GeoGebra Text motion
- Fun with stars
- Complementary Wave
- Complementary Waves in Blue
- Marble
- Wiggle curve
- Truchet patterns
- Mosaics
- Mosaics: Ellipses
- GeoGebra snow
- Fractal trees + GeoGebra Snow = Super cool
- Vera Molnár art style
- Colorful Vera Molnár art style
- Making a heart with maths
- Droste effect
- 12-fold pattern in 6-4-3-4 grid
- A retro cityscape with mathematics
- Geometric pattern
- Braided sines
- All you need is math love!
- Dot fever: All you need is infinite love!
- Here comes the sun!
- Here comes the sun - Remastered!
Three dimensions
- Möbius bands animation with segments
- Klein bottle with unit normal vectors and Mobius band
- Rainbow Möbius bands animation with segments
- Snake
- Rainbow snake
- Sunflower points distribution on Sphere
- Organic columns
- Rainbow torus knots animation
- Dancing Cubes defined on torus knots
- Dancing cubes on torus knots II
- Tribute to Hilma af Klint
- Cylinders on torus knot
- Butterfly making rainbow curves
- Mariposa trazando curvas de colores
- Dimensions
- Rainbow Möbius bands animation with segments
- Möbius strip with rainbow unit normal vectors
- Colorful Rhombicuboctahedro animated
- Rhombicuboctahedro animated
- Rhombicosidodecahedron animated
- Pyritohedron
- Rhombic dodecahedron from a cube animation
- Sphere-cylinder-plane transformation
- Surface area of a sphere
- Sphere scanning
- Pyramid dissection
- Flying creature
- Butterfly
- Sphere decoration
- Figure 8 surface
- Pac-Men trying to eat in 3D
- Umbilic torus
- Polyhedra packing
- Colorful Seashell
- Pac-Man 3D with no walls
- Rose and bee flying around
- Flower with rainbow butterfly
- Waves on the sphere
- Rainbow pyramid
- 3D Rainbow Steiner chain
- 3D Mystery curve
- Complex parametric curves
- Inside the rainbow torus
- Rainbow Figure 8 surface
- Rainbow Torus
- Rainbow Klein bottle
- Tetahedra rolling on Icosahedron
- Rainbow Voronoi on sphere
- Voronoi diagram on sphere
- Dancing hat
- Torus illusion
- Torus illusion II
- Flowers
- Polyhedra packing animation
- Cubes animation
- Spiky flower
- Spiky flower with music
- Time traveling
- Rainbow cubes dance
- Inside the torus
- Torus: Void
- Rainbow pendulums waves
- A coffee cup and a doughnut
- Rotation of spheres
- Spring around torus
- Square waves
- Tutorial: Rotating rings in 3D
- Spinning cube - Belt Trick
- Golden Dragon and Icosahedron
- Exploding cube