Dynamic mathematics: Increasing and decreasing intervals
Application for the study of the increasing and decreasing intervals in a function
Funtzio baten gorakortasun eta beherakortasun tarteak aztertzen dituen aplikazioa
Look at the animation and answer the following questions:
The cyclist is riding his bicycle along a function.
- Could you identify the increasing and decreasing intervals of the function? When is the function increasing? And decreasing?
- Study the maximum and the minimum value of the function: Which are the relative maxima and the relative minima of the function? Give the approximate coordinates of these points.
- Which is the global maximum of this function? And the global minimum?
- Click the “Answer” box and check your answers.
- Identifikatu ditzakezu funtzio honen gorakortasun eta beherakortasun tarteak? Noiz da funtzioa gorakorra? Noiz da funtzioa beherakorra?
- Egin funtzio honen maximoen eta minimoen ikerketa: Zeintzuk dira funtzio honen maximo eta minimo erlatiboak? Adierazi gutxi gora behera puntu hauen koordenatuak.
- Zein da funtzio honen maximo absolutua? Eta minimo absolutua?
- Klikatu “Answer” kutxatila eta konprobatu zure erantzunak.