Activity #23__Construct a 45 - 45 - 90 Triangle
Activity Goal
Construct the 45 - 45-90 triangle (shown below) then determine the missing sides.

DIRECTIONS (if you need them)
1. Construct a Ray AB.
2. Construct A = 45 .
3. Construct a Ray AB'.
4. Construct B = 45 .
5. Construct a Ray BA'.
6. Create the point C -- where the 2 rays intersect.
7. Using the Steps Menu, hide the rays and points A' and B'.
8. Use the Polygon tool to create the triangle ABC.
9. Measure the lengths of line segment AC and line segment BC.
10. Adjust points A and B until lengths are the required length of 7.
11. Using the move tool or the Distance/Length tool determine the length of line segment AB.