Percentages and Equivalent Fractions and Decimals
Modelar el concepto de porcentaje y relacionarlo con su valor en forma decimal o fraccionaria.
Percentages and Equivalent Fractions and Decimals
Explore the meaning of a percentage by relating them to fractions and decimals. Represent percentages with a grid model, a pie chart, and a number line.
Putting It All Together
Answer these open ended questions on your own or with others to form deeper math connections.
Pregunta abierta 1
How are decimals and percentages the same? How are they different?
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Pregunta abierta 2
How are fractions and percentages the same? How are they different?
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Pregunta abierta 3
Fractions, decimals, and percentages are all shown above. Which one would you rather use and why?
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Explora más
Más acerca de Porcentajes