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GeoGebraClasse GeoGebra

Mid-points in list of segments with Zip

A1 = (-2, 1, 0) A2 = (1, 3, 0) A3 = (1, 1, 3) A4 = (2, -1, 2) L = CellRange(A1,A4) Lseg = Unique(Flatten(Zip(Zip(If(Length(Segment(P, Q)) ≠ 0, Segment(P, Q)), P, L), Q, L))) Lmid = Zip(Midpoint( Point(seg,0), Point(seg,1)), seg, Lseg)

Also this version by Thijs

Lseg=Flatten(Zip(Zip(Segment(L(j),L(k)), j,1…(k-1)), k,2…4)) Lmid = Zip( Point(seg,0.5), seg, Lseg)