Math 3H Graphing Quadratic practice
Question 1: Explain the result of your graph
Question 2: What is the vertex of the parabola of the graph with those slider values? Question 3: Describe the characteristics of this parabola, i.e. vertex, orientation, zeros.
Question 4: Explain how each variable (a, h, k) affects the movement of the graph?
Question 5: Explain what the .10 does in relation to the slider
Question 7: Set your sliders to a = 1, b =4 c = 4 Explain what the characteristics of this parabola are.
Question 8: Move all three sliders around and notice what each slider does to the graph. a) What transformations does the "a" slider do? b) What transformations does the "b" slider do? c) What transformations does the "c" slider do?
Question 9: Using your sliders, create a graph that has solutions as 2 and -4. State your "a", "b" and "c" values.
Question 10: Using your sliders, create a parabola facing downwards that has one solution at x = 3. State your "a", "b", and "c" values
Question 11: Consider the quadratic function that has the following points: (-2, 4), (-4, -4), (0, -4). Find the values of "a", "b" and "c" that creates the function that contains those points.
Question 12: Consider the following graph that contains those points. . Find the equation of the parabola in Standard Form (that's the )form. Put your equation in the input bar to check your work

State your equation that best matches the image.