Google Classroom
GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom


Click on =0 (green) button above and "slide it" to the right. You are able to rotate Daffy 180 degrees counterclockwise. You are also able to "map" point A', (read A prime) point B' (read B prime) Daffy onto point AB Daffy. We will call A prime B prime Daffy the preimage and AB Daffy the image to answer the following questions.

Use the slider (green button) to rotate the preimage until the slider reads = 90 ( angle = ninety degrees). Describe the relationship between the preimage and the image.

Move the slider all the way to the right until the angle measure reads 180 degrees. Describe the relationship between the preimage and the image.

Preimage Daffy moves counterclockwise. What does that mean?