Visualizing the Greatest Common Factor Using a Model
Hallar divisores, divisores comunes y el máximo divisor común de varios números; explicar.
Visualizing the Greatest Common Factor Using a Model
Visualize the greatest common factor of different numbers in this activity.
Putting It All Together
Answer these open ended questions on your own or with others to form deeper math connections.
Pregunta abierta 1
How are the side lengths of the squares related to the list of common factors?
Entrada de texto y matemáticas
Pregunta abierta 2
What is unique about the squares in the rectangle when you find the greatest common factor?
Entrada de texto y matemáticas
Pregunta abierta 3
How can you find the greatest common factor?
Entrada de texto y matemáticas
Explora más
Más acerca de Divisores y múltiplos
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