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GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

Circumcenter Construction

Review of constructing a Perpendicular Bisector

Construction Steps:

1.Construct a circle centered at point A and through point B. (circle d) 8.Toolbar ImageConstruct line GF. (line i)
2. Construct a circle centered at point B and through point A. (circle e) 9.Construct a circle centered at point B and through point C. (circle k)
3.Toolbar ImageConstruct the intersection points between circle d and circle e. (point D & point E) 10.Construct a circle centered at point C and through point B. (circle p)
4.Toolbar ImageConstruct line DE. (line f) 11. Toolbar ImageConstruct the intersection points between circle k and circle p. (point I & point H)
5.Construct a circle centered at point A and through point C. (circle g) 12Toolbar ImageConstruct line IH. (line J)
6.Construct a circle centered at point C and through point A. (circle h) 13. Toolbar ImageConstruct the intersection of line f and line i. (point J)
7.Toolbar ImageConstruct the intersection points between circle g and circle h. (point G & point F) 


Construct the circumcenter of triangle ABC by following the construction steps provided above the blank worksheet.


Are line DE, line GF, and line IH always concurrent? (Move points A, B, and C to change the triangle and check your answer.)

Select all that apply
  • A
  • B
Check my answer (3)

Explore the construction of the circumcenter and its relationship with the triangle.

Here is the finished construction