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GeoGebraClasse GeoGebra

Golden Snargg

Starting at the left end of the row, players will alternate turns selecting either one or two Snarggs, moving to the right . The player who chooses the last Snargg wins! Reset the game using the icon in the top right.

Describe the rules for this Golden Snargg game to your partner and explain the difference between this version and the last. Use numbers to develop a winning strategy.

In this game of Golden Snargg, starting at the left end of the top row, players will alternate turns selecting either one, two, or three Snarggs, moving to the right and then onto the second row left to right. The player who chooses the last Snargg wins!

Snargg NIM: Players will alternate turns and can take as many Snarggs as they like from any one row during a turn. The player that takes the last Snargg or Snarggs wins!