Anushreeya's 1.05

Using complete sentences, answer each of the following questions: Which method do you find easier? Making constructions by hand using a compass and straightedge or constructing using technology? Why? I found the technology method easier because it was faster, but I missed the feeling of paper and pencil. I also realized when I drew with a pencil I also erased some lines that I didn't need anymore, using geogebra was a different case. What are the benefits to using technology over a handheld compass and straightedge? Technology offers some advantages over a handheld compass and straightedge. First of all it's more accurate, faster, clearer/cleaner(drawing) and if you did it right then it's going to be perfect. What are the limitations to using technology over a handheld compass and straightedge? Using technology doesn't allow your creative juices to flow as freely and requires less brain work. Also if you don't have internet access or batteries, your pretty much out of luck. In various constructions, you need to use the longer of two segments to construct the radius of a circle. Why do you think this is? What happens if you use the shorter segment? If you use the shorter length of the two segments to construct the radius of a circle instead of the longer segment, then the two arcs will not intersect. If you look at line segment below you will soon understand: <A-------------B------C> As you can see the distance between AB is longer than the distance between segment BC. If you were to draw a circle with radius BC on point A and point C the two circles will NOT intersect because radius BC is less than half the length of line segment AC. However radius AB is longer than half of segment AC, which gives it space to intersect.