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Groups of Transformations

Definition of Group and Subgroup

Group: A group is a set with a binary operation (*; e.g., composition) that satisfies the following four properties:
  1. Closure: A set is closed under a binary operation if, when any two elements of the set are combined under that binary operation, the result is another element of the set.
  2. Identity: The identity element in a set is an element, e, of that set such that, for all elements a in the set, e*a=a*e=a.
  3. Inverses: For any element a in the set, there exists an inverse element, a-1, such that a*a-1 = a-1 *a= e.
  4. Associativity: If a, b, and c are elements of the set, then (a*b)*c=a*(b*c).

Isometry Group

Prove that the set of isometries of the plane, under the operation of composition, forms a group. Can you identify any subgroups (subsets of the set of isometries that also form a group under composition)? You can use the applet below to investigate the inverses and compositions of various isometries.