GED/ABE Mathematics Book 1 (ABE/preGED)
General Educational Development (GED) tests are a group of four subject tests which, when passed, certify that the test taker has American or Canadian high school-level academic skills. Here are some topics which can assist students in learning the mathematics covered on the GED/HiSET/TASC/GCSE General Certificate of Secondary Education.
Book 1 is a compilation of basic skills needed for success, but not tested. Mostly PreGED/ABE Skills
Book 2 has many activities which are tested. Many GED Level Skills
GED/ABE Mathematics Book1 https://www.geogebra.org/m/j4UyPdKW
GED Mathematics Book 2 https://www.geogebra.org/m/mEs37yMj
GED Science https://www.geogebra.org/m/kH5xMUpw
GED Slope https://www.geogebra.org/m/cvAySD7E Thanks, Tim B.
Geometry Introduction https://www.geogebra.org/m/dsGHMH8u
Nets of Solids (Surface Area and Volume Animations) https://www.geogebra.org/m/gU22RUUA#material/J3Bmsxp3
GED MATH 2015-2021 Linear Algebra & Geometry https://www.geogebra.org/m/ATn8TUCm
Basic Arithmetic Facts for GED https://www.geogebra.org/m/x4qx9bz5
Prime Numbers Game https://mathsbot.com/puzzles/findThePrimes
Multiplication with Area Models https://www.geogebra.org/m/vfffrx2z
GeoGebra Math Activities https://www.geogebra.org/math
GeoGebra Math Practice https://www.geogebra.org/mathpractice/en
Graspable Math https://activities.graspablemath.com/
Daniel Mentrard https://www.geogebra.org/u/daniel+mentrard
Table of Contents
Place Value
- Practice Place Values
- Place Value
- Place Value for Decimals
- Expanding Decimal Numbers
- Place Value Cards - Input
- Place Value Cards - Random
- Two-digit whole numbers
- Three-digit whole numbers
- Place Value: Addition
- Place Value: Subtraction
- Numbers to Words (hundreds)
- Number To Words
- Words to Numbers
- Rounding Whole Numbers
- Scientific Notation-Section 4.1
- Scientific Notation
- Moving Place Value
- Numbers in Expanded Form
Arithmetic Skills
- Multiplication Practice
- Family of Addition/Multiplication Facts
- Integer Addition
- Integer Subtraction
- Integer Multiplication
- Integer Division
- Converting Decimals to Fraction
- Decimal Addition
- Decimal Subtraction
- Decimal Multiplication Practice
- Decimal Division
- Sieve of Eratosthenes
- Sieve of Eratosthenes
- Check if Number is Prime
- Prime Factors
- Prime Numbers Sieve Patterns
- Prime Numbers Sieve Patterns2
- Making Prime Factorization Trees
- Find the LCM
- Find G.C.F. by Listing Factors
- GCF and LCM
- Find the LCM(a,b,c)
- Factorization - Visual illustration of divisor pairs
- Fraction Addition and Subtraction
- Integer Base/Exponents
- Broken Hundreds Chart
- Number Line Construction Tool
- Addition of Integers
- Dynamic Inequalities on a Number Line
- Perfect Squares up to 15
- Perfect Squares up to 30
- Cubes up to 10
- Division Using an Area Model
Number Systems
- The Real Number System
- Venn Diagram Real Numbers
- Number Theory Sets
- Complex Number System
- Order of Operations
- Spiral of Pythagoras
- Multiplication is repeated Addition
- Division is Repeated Subtraction
- Subtraction is really Addition
- Divisibility Tests
- Integer Factors of Square Roots
- The Significance of a Negative Index (Power)
- The Universal Abacus
- sieve of eratosthenes
- Expressing Composite Numbers as a Product of Prime Numbers
- Rounding Decimals
- Identifying Prime Numbers
- Integers Representing Height
Ratios, Proportion, Probability
- Writing Equivalent Fractions
- Fraction Flower
- Ordering Fractions
- Visualizing Equivalent Fractions Using Models
- Comparison of fractions (D Mentrard)
- Comparing Fractions Using a Benchmark
- Fraction Addition
- Fraction Bar - Subtraction
- Addition of Fractions (D Mentrard
- Fraction Addition and Subtraction
- Multiplication of Fractions (D Mentrard)
- Intuitive Sense of a Reciprocal
- Dividing Fractions Justification
- Dividing Fractions
- Proof without words: Division of fractions (D Mentrard)
- Fraction, Decimal, Percentage Equivalents
- Fractions and unit (part1) (D Mentrard)
- Additional fractions per unit (part 2)(D Mentrard)
- Differents views of a same fraction (D Mentrard)
- Dividing Proper Fractions
- Division of fractions
- Calculations with Fractions
- HELP in DRAWING Rational Numbers
- GCF and LCM
- Comparing Apples and Oranges with Ratios
GeoGebra Resource
- Measuring Angles with a Protractor
- 4Q Quiz: Measuring Angles with a Protractor
- Modeling Distributive Property
- Integers Representing Height
- Drawing Parallel, Perpendicular, and Intersecting Lines
- Comparing Fractions with Unlike Denominators Using Models
- Multiplying 2-Digit Numbers Using Partial Products
- Fraction Multiplication
- Changing Scale Factor
- Calculating Scale Factors of Similar Figures
- Factoring with Trees
- Additive Inverse
- Notation for Set Operations
- Common Multiples in a Hundreds Grid
- Tables, Graphs, and Linear Equations
- Exploring a Sequence of Transformations Level 3
Math Definitions
- Square Numbers
- Definition of Square-Square Root
- Area of Rectangles and Squares
- Cube & Cube Root
- Composing Prisms by Stacking Cubes
- Squares and Cubes: Favorites of Mathematics
- Square and Cube Roots: Favorites of Mathematicians
- Exploring Scaled Figures Using Models
- Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
- Perimeter of Polygons
- Circumference
Scientific Notation