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GeoGebraAula GeoGebra

Midsegments in Triangles

What is a midsemgnet?

What is a midsemgnet?
A midsemgnet is a segment that connects the midpoint of two sides.
Create a triangle using the Polygon button. Click the Point button, and choose the Midpoint or Center button. Find the midpoint of 2 sides of the triangle. Click the Line button, and choose the segment button to create a segment connecting these midpoint

What do you notice?

What do you notice about the relationship between the length of the midsegment and its opposite side? Compare your conclusion with those in your group? Does it hold true?

Go back and use the Measure tool to measure all of the angles formed inside the triangle by the midsegment.

What do you notice?

What relationship exists between the base angles of the opposite side and the angles formed by the midsemegment closest to the base? What does this prove about the midsegment and the opposite side?