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Video Two: The Orbital Grid

This is the second step of Heliocentric Astrology: the orbital grid. We base our grid on the easiest measurement, the Astronomical Unit. This is the radius; the distance from the sun to the earth in a straight line. These are the distances, in astronomical units, of the first eight planets. Mercury: .387 Venus: .723 Earth: 1 Mars: 1.52 Jupiter: 5.20 Saturn: 9.52 Uranus: 19.20 Neptune: 30.08 For this model, the true scale was only used for the first four planets. The outer planets are condensed. A Polar Point is the ecliptic longitude position that is 180 degrees from a planet’s position. For this model, only the Polar Point of Earth is used. These are the orbital periods of the first eight planets. Mercury 88.0 days Venus 224.7 days Earth 365.2 days Mars 687.0 days, 1.88 years Jupiter 4331 days, 11.85 years Saturn 29.42 years Uranus 83.74 years Neptune 164.73 years The solar ecliptic degrees that mark the constellation boundaries also track the planetary positions on their orbital paths around the sun. For example: On March 1st, 2010, Earth was at the ecliptic longitude of 160.27 degrees. This location is inside the constellation section of Leo. On the same day, Venus was at 17.79 which is inside of Pisces. For the graphics on the Geogebra page, this is our distance scale. Mercury: .77 Venus: 1.45 Earth: 2 Mars: 3.05 Jupiter: 3.5 Saturn: 4 Uranus: 4.5 Neptune: 5

Inner Planets to Scale

Outer Planets to Scale

True Scale of Planets and their Astronomical Units

The Orbital Periods