About muqarnas

Fatin Uluengin wrote a well-illustrated book on Turkish muqarnas. Shiro Takahashi made an attempt to classsify numerous muqarnas. See Muqarnas database Henk Hietbrink and Chris Cambré wrote about muqarnas in several geogebra books. They developed a series of tools (version 1.0) to create, visualize and analyze muqarnas See Chris Cambré's geogebra book: studying, drawing and constructing muqarnas which is about our joint efforts. Chris Cambré wrote an introduction. See his geogebra book Muquarnas. Dick Osseman travelled many times to Turkey and has a large gallery of pictures. See Picture Gallery of Dick Osseman Margi Lake travelled to Iran and produced many artworks on tilings and muqarnas. See Art Gallery of Margi Lake You can create a muqarnas yourself in the GeoGebra book Muqarnas Tool.