Besondere Punkte/Special Points
Dynamic Visualization of construction of particular positions of some special points. /
Dynamische Visualisierung der Konstruktion der besonderen Punkte .
From: List of My Public Books on GeoGebra Topics: Constructing polyhedra -https://www.geogebra.org/m/eabstecp

Table of Contents
- Fermat-Punkt
- Geometric median 2D. Eine dynamische Konstruktion des Fermat-Punktes im n-Eck mit Hilfe von der Weiszfeld- Iterationsverfahren
- Geometric median 3D. Eine dynamische Konstruktion des Fermat-Punktes im Polyeder mit n Ecken auf der Kugeloberfläche mit Hilfe von der Weiszfeld- Iterationsverfahren
- Die zum Fermat-Problem gehörende Maximumaufgabe
- El punt de Fermat
- Weiszfeld Algorithmus
- Fermat-Punkt, verallgemeinerte Problemstellung
- Generalized Fermat-Weber problem
- Weighted geometric median (Weber problem)
- Geometric median of tetrahedron
- Geometric median of 4 points
- Robot Fermat point
- Robot Steiner points
- Der Fermatsche Punkt
- Fermat point triangle
- Punto de Fermat - Demostración
- Problema de Weber (Mediana Geométrica)
- Fermat Points and the Centroid
- Der Neubau des Kraftwerks
- Der Neubau des Kraftwerks
- centros triángulo
- Fermat Point of a Triangle
- Punto de Fermat - Triángulo equilátero asociado
- Points de Fermat
- Point de Fermat - Steiner - Torricelli
- Arbre de Steiner de quatre points
- Point de Fermat - Torriccelli
- Guess the Centroid!
- Feuerbach circle
- Triunghi-I-cevian-inaltime-bisectoare
- Thompson Cubic
- Four concyclic triangle centers IV
- The centre of mass of a lamina between two curves.
- Finding the centre of mass of a lamina plane introduction.
- Fermat-Euler
- Una demostración del Teorema
- Triangle Properties Explorer
- Generalización del Teorema de la Bisectriz:
- Baryzentren-Kurve mit den Potenzen von a,b,c
- Punto de Fermat en triángulos rectángulos
- Morley's Trisector Theorem
- Centroid of a planar region and planar curve
- Generalization of the fourth Fermat-Dao-Nhi equilateral triangle
- Generalization of the third Fermat-Dao-Nhi equilateral triangle
- Mandart ellipse et cercle
- 삼각형의 무게중심의 위치벡터(The position vector of the center of gravity of the triangle)
- Cervian triangle and areas
- Feuerbach théorème
- Centers Associated With The Incenter
- 三角形の垂直二等分線に対称な点の作る三角形
- Euler line
- Teorema de Routh
- Окружность Ван Ламуна
- Parabel und drei Tangenten
- Triangle's centroid (first moment of area)
- Zyklische Punkte im Dreieck
- 三角形の中央=フェルマー点
- ESTÁTICA - Vectores en 3D
- Triángulos: puntos notables.
- Theorem von Marion
- Theorem von Marion 3D
- 完全四角形からミケル点へ
- Fermat-Point CAS-Function
- シュタイナー点
- シュタイナー点(4点)
- 五点を結ぶシュタイナー点
- 六点のシュタイナー点
- ベクトルとシュタイナー点
- Fermat-Punkt mit ganzzahligen Längen
- Point de Steiner
- Feynman triangle
- Kepler-Dreieck
Besondere Punkte im Polygon
- Euler-Gerade und Feuerbach-Kreis
- Geometric Centroid of a Parabolic Segment
- Viviani's theorem
- Special Points of Triangles - Lesson+Exploration+Practice
- Théorème de Viviani (2)
- Center of triangle
- Means
- Schar von Bezierkurven
- Puzzle game-5
- Objetos notables asociados a un triángulo
- Elementos del Triángulo
- Puntos y rectas notables del triángulo.
- Steiner circum- and in- ellipse
- Circonferenza di Feuerbach (circonferenza di Eulero dei nove punti).
- Cerchio di Feuerbach e ratta di Eulero
- Triangle Centres and exploration
- Golden Mean,Music Scale, Quadratic Equation
- Euler (démonstrations)
- Examining: TriangleCenter[ A, B, C, n ] and Trilinear[...
- 3D Center of Masses x 6 V1.1
- Lagrange Points V1.1
- Visualize 4D 3-Body Conservation of Momentum_02
- Retta di Eulero e punti notevoli dei triangoli
- Triángulos de Napoleón
- Teselación basada en el Teorema de Napoleón
- Distancia Ortocentro-vértice = 2 distancia Circuncentro-lado
- Euler Line
- Bisección de un triángulo
- Retta di Eulero e Circonferenza dei nove punti
- Centre of mass: The leaning tower of Lire
- Triangle Centers & Euler Line
- Five orthocenters lie on a circle
- Tres triángulos con áreas en progresión geométrica
- Conjugados ciclocevianos
- Bimedianas y baricentro de un cuadfrilátero
- Triángulo de Morley
- Lugar geométrico baricentros triángulos área cte. inscritos en parábola
- Six orthocenters lie on a circle
- Besondere Punkte im Dreieck
- Anteil im Dreieck
- Finding the centre of mass of a uniform 2D body.
- Finding the centre of mass of a hollow bowl.
- Chaos-Fraktal im Vieleck
- Interessante Ortslinie im Dreieck
- The centre of mass of a lamina bounded by a quadratic, x = a and x = b
- Schwerpunkt eines Vielecks
- Projective Geometry: Homography, Cross-ratio, Harmonic Conjugates, Polarity
- The centre of gravity of a rectangular lamina.
- Zwei besondere Dreiecks-Punkte
- 6-Punkte-Kreis im Dreieck
- Céviennes et aires
- Bottema's theorem
- Incircle, Excircles, and the 9-Point Circle
- Ryan Morgan conjecture
- Symmediane im Sehnenviereck
- The centroid of a parametric curve
- Symmedian
- Points remarquables du triangle
- Circumradio y área de un cuadrilátero cíclico en función de los lados
- El triángulo órtico y la circunferencia circunscrita
- 6-Punkte-Kreis im Dreieck
- Teorema de Napoleón ( comprobación )
- Dreiecksverhältnisse
- Wallace-Simson-Gerade
- オイラー線と直極点楕円
- 内接円の接線の直極点の軌跡
- 外心を中心にした円の直極点の軌跡
- El Teorema de Kariya y la hipérbola de Feuerbach
- Umkreismitte ABC als Höhenschnittpunkt XYZ
- 9-Punkte-Kegelschnitt
- Newton-Gauss-Linie: Kollinearität im Dreieck
- 完全四角形のスタイナー円の性質(補題)
- 完全四角形の向かい合う辺の垂直二等分線の交点
- 円に内接する完全四角形のミケル点
- 内接する完全四角形のミケル点が垂直の証明
- Euler-Geraden im Sehnenviereck
- luoghi e punti notevoli del triangolo
Studying the properties of the centroid
- 2D Dynamic construction for studying the properties of the geometric center.
- 3D Dynamic construction for studying the properties of the centroid.
- Sum of squares of distances
- Teoremas del centroide de Pappus-Guldin
- Center of Mass: Person on a Floating Raft
- Center of Mass of a System of Point Masses
- Berechnung des Schwerpunkts einer Fläche
- Der Schwerpunkt des Erde-Mond Systems
- Der Schwerpunkt
- cyclic Quadrilateral
- swenson Centroid of a square
Learn more about Squared Distance
- 2D. Explanation of Invariance of the sum of squares of distances by using the Steiner theorem.
- 3D. Explanation of Invariance of the sum of squares of distances by using the Steiner theorem.
- 2D. Explanation of Invariance of the sum of squares of distances by using the Steiner theorem.
- triangle Gizmo
- development on regular sqrs
- developments on regular polys
- Symmetry numbers in irregular polygons
- Symmetry number & conditions in right triangles
- Symmetrical beauty of polygons
- beauty of powers-2b
- Sliding trigon
- Analogy between statics & geometry
- Analogy between statics & geometry
- Hidden symmetry in an Atom
- Ultimate symmetry in 3D
- symmetry of two points in sph. & cyldr.
- Ultimate symmetry in cone-sphere sys.
- Symmetry in sphere & dodecahedron case
- 1-Concentric icosahedron & sphere
- Concentric dodecahedron & sphere
- 3D correspondence of symmetry spheres-B
- Symmetry number for 10 points
- Symmetry number for 5 points
- General solution for symmetry numbers on surfaces-B
- Symmetry number of a complex system
- Symmetry number of a complex system
- symmetry number for two overlapped ellipses
- David star overlapped
- symmetry numbers & parabolic mirror
- Mobilis in mobili symmetry
- Mobilis in mobili symmetry (generalised)
- Plane reg. polygon in a sphere
- Symmetry in random movables
- Beautiful regular pentagon-B
- Beautiful regular pentagon-A
- 4 - Tetrahedron
- 3 - Octahedron
- 2 - Icosahedron
- 1 - Dodecahedron
- 0 - Definition of platonic sets
- Plane equilateral triang. & sphere
- Regular octagon & sphere
- Symmetry number for double octagons-A
- Symmetry number for double octagons-B
- Three squares in a screen
- Three squares in a screen overlapped
- Definition of rules for symmetry
- Definition of rules for symmetry-B
- Password generator-A
- Password generator-B
- Extremely high powers
- Exremely high powers
- Extremely high powers
- Comments on extremely high powers
- Difference of extremely high powers-5
- An objection to transcendental definition
- New theorem of Pythagoras
- new theorem of pythagoras for circumferences
- new theorem of pythagoras for non-similar trigons
- New theorem of pythagoras for non-similar circles
- Game of delicate balance
- Puzzle-4
- Puzzle-2
- Ponzi game
- Symmetry of peripheral circles
- diplomatic relations
- Cable-car functions
- Four birds on a line
- Proxima Centauri
- Hexagons around hexagon
- Canis Major
- Canis Major-A
- Sagittarius-3D
- Sagittarius 3D generalized
- Andromeda
- imami azam EBU HANIFE
- Piscis Austrinus
- Pegasus
- Cygnus
- Suma de distancias al cuadrado constante
- Suma de cuadrados constante
- Quadratsumme der Radialstrecken
- Summe der 4.Potenz der Diagonalen
- Fünfeck mit Kreis (Baryzentrum)