Some Students

Imam Fitri Rahmadi is a lecturer at Universitas Pamulang Indonesia and currently a PhD student at the Department of STEM Education, Linz School of Education, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz Austria interested in exploring user-generated microgames for STEM education. Educational technology integration into learning and instruction is his overall research interest.
Julia conducted research on plane-filling curves since 2013. In the course of this research, several puzzles came into being that are now used in this project. Julia is a PhD student, junior researcher, and team member of several ongoing projects at the Institute of Didactics in Mathematics, JKU. She received her Master of Science from Nuremberg Tech in 2018. Her interest is to tear down obstacles for teachers in order to make it easier for them to provide students with positive experiences, especially in STEAM topics. Previously, she has done some research about mathematical curves, leading student groups, and connecting art and STEM topics especially. Her focus is currently shifting towards developing puzzles to teach STEAM-related competencies and support teachers to access technologies.

Eva Ulbrich is experienced with digital manufacturing such as 3D printing and loves teaching how to use this technology to teachers, students, and anyone who is interested in learning about 3D printing. She started to work with this emerging technology professionally in 2013 when she and her husband opened the first 3D printing shop and later worked as a 3D printing expert at a startup developing a platform for distributed 3D printing orders, gaining even more experience.
She is a PhD student at the School of Education at the Johannes Kepler University Linz.