Proof 8.3,4,5

3. Prove that f is an onto function or prove that it is not.

Proof: Define  where . Pick a point . In order to be considered onto, there should be a point  for which . This means  and . By solving for  and , we know that  and . Notice, . Therefore, we have found the preimage of . Since there is a point in the preimage of  that maps to an arbitrary point, we can conclude that the function  is onto.
Proof: Define  where . Pick a point . In order to be considered onto, there should be a point  for which . This means  and . By solving for  and , we know that  and . Notice, . Therefore, we have found the preimage of . Since there is a point in the preimage of  that maps to an arbitrary point, we can conclude that the function  is onto. 

4. Prove that f is a one-to-one function or prove that it is not.

Proof: Define . Pick two points  and . If  then it is implied that . If we consider the x and y coordinates separately, we notice that  and  which implies  from the previous statement. From this we see, . Since  and , we know  is one-to-one.
Proof: Define . Pick two points  and . Notice if, then it is implied that . If we consider the x and y coordinates separately, we notice that  which implies  and  which implies . Since  and , we know that  is one-to-one.

5. Prove or disprove that f is distance-preserving.

Proof: Define . Consider points  and . Determine the distance between the points using the distance formula. Note, the distance from  to  is . The distance between  and  is . If the function is in fact distance-preserving, these distances would be equivalent. Notice,  Since the sides are not equal to one another, we know that the function is not distance-preserving. 
Proof: Define . Consider the points  and . Determine the distance between the points using the distance formula. Note, the distance from  to   is . The distance between  and  is . If the function is distance-preserving, then the distances would be the same. Notice,  . Since the distances are equivalent, we know that the function is distance preserving.