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GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

Piggy Bank Problem

Your mom gives you a piggy bank with $3 worth of coins in it. You decide that you will continue to deposit an additional $4 a week until the piggy bank is full. The model below helps to illustrate your savings for the first three weeks after you received your piggy bank.

Make a list of what you know so far?

[b]Picture Pattern for the first 3 weeks...[/b]
Picture Pattern for the first 3 weeks...

Continue your picture pattern for week 4 and week 5 below...


Create 5 Observations of either the relation between the Picture Pattern and the original Word Problem or describing the change in the pattern from week to week. (Things to consider what changes from week to week. What stays the same from week to week?)

Piggy Bank Activity

Create a T-Chart for the Number of Weeks and Total Amount you have saved!

Based on the pattern you have observed in the T-Chart, how many weeks will it take for you to save at least $35? How do you know this to be true?

Bonus Questions

Your mom now gives you a piggy bank with $12 worth of coins in it and you continued to put in the same amount per week. How will this new value affect your equation?

Your mom now gives you a piggy bank with no money in it and you continue to put in the same amount per week. How will this new value affect your equation?

**Your brother now gives you a piggy bank with no money in it, but he charges you $2 in order for you to keep it. You accept and continue to put in the same amount per week. How will this change affect your equation? Can you create picture pattern to match this scenario?

Draw your new picture pattern here...

What questions do you still have about this Activity?