Noisy loop
An attempt to make a noisy loop :) Inspired by ronwnor

Check it with music:
The applet is laggy online. It runs better in your desktop.
GGB script
speed = 0.6
time = Slider(0, 2 pi, 0.01, speed, 200)
a = 10
b = 6
c = 4
d = 20
e = 4
f = -3
C1x(x) = a * cos(x) / (d - f * sin(x))
C1y(x) = c * sin(x) / (d - f * sin(x))
c1 = Curve(C1x(t), C1y(t), t, 0, 2pi)
Lf = Zip( cos( 3^k * x + (-3)^k * time ) / 3^k, k, 1...6)
F(x) = 1 + Sum(Lf)
G(x) = 1 + exp(99 * sin(40 * x))
C2x(x) = a * cos(x) / (d - e * F(x) / G(x) + f * sin(x))
C2y(x) = (b * F(x) / G(x) - c * sin(x)) / (d - e * F(x) / G(x) + f * sin(x))
c2 = Curve(C2x(t), C2y(t), t, 0, 2pi)
C3x(x) = a * cos(x) / (d - e * F(x) + f * sin(x))
C3y(x) = (b * F(x) - c * sin(x)) / (d - e * F(x) + f * sin(x))
c3 = Curve(C3x(t), C3y(t), t, 0, 2pi)
Lnames = {"C1x", "C1y","C2x", "C2y","C3x", "C3y"}
Execute(Zip("SetVisibleInView("name", 1, false)", name, Lnames))
Lmain = {"c1", "c2", "c3"}
myColor = "White"
SetVisibleInView(myColor, 1, false)
Execute(Zip("ShowLabel("name", false)", name, Lmain))
Execute(Zip("SetColor("name", myColor)", name, Lmain))
SetVisibleInView(time, 1, false)
CenterView((0, 0.3))
StartAnimation(time, true)
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