CW 3.03: Congruent Parts in Triangles (Part 1)

Criteria 1: One Side in Common (S)

How many different triangles can you create that have a side length of 3? Are they all congruent? Does having one congruent side tell you two triangles are congruent?

Criteria 2: One Angle In Common (A)

How many different triangles can you create that contain a 40 degree angle? Are they all congruent? Does having one congruent angle tell you two triangles are congruent?

Criteria 3: Two Sides In Common (SS)

How many different triangles can you create that have one side length of 3 and one side length of 4? Are they all congruent? Does having two congruent sides tell you two triangles are congruent?

Hint: You can move the red points to change the angles between segments. The blue dots are fixed in place.

Criteria 4: Two Angles in Common (AA)

How many different triangles can you create that have one angle of 40 degrees and one angle of 50 degrees? Are they all congruent? Does having two congruent angles tell you two triangles are congruent?

Hint: You can move the red points along the rays, but the blue points are fixed in place.

Criteria 5: One Side and One Angle in Common (SA)

How many different triangles can you create that have a side length of 3 and an angle of 40 degrees? Are they all congruent? Does having one congruent side and one congruent angle tell you two triangles are congruent?