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Snakes and Ladders Game (Full Prototype with Winners Board)

READ BEFORE STARTING GAME 1. Game is played on this virtual board with 100 squares. With 8 Ladders, 8 Snakes, and 19 landmines. 2. Players (maximum of 4) take turns to throw a die and a blue diamond shaped token with Player 1 to Player 4 label is used to represent each player's position on the board squares. 2.1 The position is visible only when the player uses the "Turn" dropdown list to select his designated Player number. 2.2 The "ROLL DICE" button appears only when you click and select the Player number. 2.3 After the two dice are rolled digitally, the "MOVE" button appears for the player to click on. The player's blue diamond will move square by square to the final position based on the total number shown on the dice. 3. When token lands on one of the Ladder, Snake or Mine squares, the appropriate button will appear for a player to click and answer. There will be different types of questions for these three different squares. Hardest questions are found in Ladder and basic questions are in the Landmines. 4. Questions will be asked on Cartesian Coordinates System, Linear Functions and Graphs and Equations of Lines. Some points about answering questions are below: 4.1 Player has to answer questions by typing into an input box or to drag point(s) to satisfy some given statement. 4.2 A yellow "CHECK" button appears when the player presses the "Enter" keyboard key after typing in his/her answer or after he starts dragging the point(s) 4.3 Press on the "CHECK" button to get feedback on whether the input answer is correct! 5. Rules related to the answers and actions: Action/Wrong or Square Action/Success Fail to Answer in time Normal Do nothing, wait for next turn N.A. Ladder Answer correctly in 25s to move up ladder Stay on square, wait for next turn. Snake* Answer correctly in 20s to stay in square Drop to lower square, wait for next turn. Mine Answer correctly in 15s to stay in square Restart from the beginning. *Snake's head square. If answer is wrong or not in time, drop to square with snake's tail. The movements of the tokens will be automatically updated once the answer feedback is shown and after the player clicks on the "TO MAIN PAGE" button. Note that there is only one chance to answer the question. Once you input and check there will not be a second opportunity to input another answer. 6. Students from different groups competing will regulate the game and see that everyone abides by the rules. 7. To reach the last square (100th), the last die throw must be exact number of moves from the previous position into the last square. For example if a player is at the 98th square and the die throw is 6, the player counts two to reach 100, but go backwards another four squares to 96th square to wait for next turn. If the die throw is 5, he will land on the 97th square which is a snake's head. The player will have answer a question. If answered wrongly, he will slide down to the tail square of the snake at the 25th square. 8. The game ends in 20 minutes or if players can end in the 100th square exactly before 20 minutes is up. If none of the players are clear winners, the winners will be the players nearest the end 100th square. ============================================================