Google Classroom
GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

Using Geogebra to Find the Intersection of Two Lines

1.) Go to this link: 2.) Download one of the versions of Geogebra that will work for you 3.) Save it to your desktop 4.) Open up the application, a graph will pop up 5.) In the input window at the bottem, type in y=x^2+2x+3, hit enter 6.) In the input window at the bottem, type in y=2x+3 7.) Notice that the equations have been graphed for you and the equations are shown in the upper left hand corner, mine are labeled c and a. 8.) Since mine are labeled c and a, I will now type in intersect[a,c], and hit enter, it will tell you where lines a and c intersect. It labels this point A, and tells me its (0.3. 9.) Now I can click the "ABC" Button above and write a text not "Intersection Point" on the graph. 10.) Go to file and export, you can export this graph as a picture and save it to your desktop. This picture can then be dragged into your assignments!