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GeoGebraGeoGebra Klaslokaal

Constructions in Geogebra

Example: Copy segment AB onto the ray provided using the compass Toolbar Image tool. Leave all your construction marks, but change the color of your final answer so that it stands out. At the end, measure Toolbar Imagethe original segment and the copy to make sure they are the same length.
Same directions, just do it yourself this time: Copy segment AB onto the ray provided. Leave all your construction marks, but change the color of your final answer so that it stands out. At the end, measure the original segment and the copy to make sure they are the same length.
Next, copy ABC onto the segment provided. Leave all your construction marks, but change the color of your final answer so that it stands out. At the end, measure Toolbar Imagethe original angle and the copy to make sure they are congruent.
Next, construct the perpendicular bisector of segment AB. Leave all your construction marks, but change the color of your final answer so that it stands out. Use the segment measurement tool Toolbar Imageand the angle measurement tool Toolbar Imageto check your work.
Finally, try out the built-in Geogebra perpendicular bisector tool Toolbar Imageand see how it saves time. To use it, click on the tool, then select the segment that you want to bisect. You can use the intersect and point tools to create the additional points you need in order to check your answers at the end.

How does it feel different to create geometric constructions using Geogebra as a tool versus doing them with pencil, paper, and a physical compass?

Which method of constructions do you prefer: The paper and pencil method or the Geogebra method? Why?