SRT.2, 3 & 5 Unit Test 2 Word Problems


1. Draw a diagram that models each situation below. 2. Label all points (with letters that make sense to you). 3. Distance measurements: clearly indicate which two points on the diagram separate the distance measured (segments have distance). 4. Write a similarity statement for the two triangles.  Use a right-angle and one other angle-congruence pair to show AA similarity. 5. Write proportional statement using all your labeled points. Optional 6. Solve the problem by answering the question.

Draw a diagram, label all points and distances, write similarity statements and proportional statements for your drawing.

16. Tamika wants to measure the height of the gym. She stands 1.76 m from a volleyball net and 44 m from the wall; the net is between Tamika and the wall.  The net is 2.43 m tall.  She looks directly over the top of the net to spot the corner of the gym ceiling, where the wall meets the ceiling.  Her eye-height is 186 cm. How high is the gym?

Draw a diagram, label all points and distances, write similarity statements and proportional statements for your drawing.

17. Charles stands 1.2 m in front of building, looking up at the building in front of him; his eye-height is 150 cm.  He looks up at the building in front of him and sees the reflection of the top of the building behind him.  The buildings are 6 m apart.  The building behind him is 22.5 m tall. How far up from the ground does Charles see the reflection of the top of the building?

Draw a diagram, label all points and distances, write similarity statements and proportional statements for your drawing.

18. Angelina stood on top of a building that was 144 m tall.  She looked down into a reflecting pool that was 17 m from the base of the building.  She saw the reflection of a plane flying directly overhead a spot on the ground exactly .7395 km from the base of the building. Ignore Angelina’s eye-height.  1 km = 1000 m. What is the altitude of the plane?