Volume of cone

The text book definition of pyramid and cone are given below.
Pyramid | Cone |
Pyramid is a solid formed by polygon base and all other triangles faces with a common vertex. | Cone is a solid formed by circular base and rays emanating from a fixed point (vertex) and passing through the base. |
In the limit, as the number of faces approaches infinity, the shape is a cone. | There are four types of cones: circular, elliptical, right, and oblique. In the figure left, keep sliding the number of sides and see that as the number of triangular faces increases, the pyramid begins to look more and more like a cone. So, a cone is also a pyramid, and its fifth type is n = ∞. |
In the assumption as explained above, we can understand cone as a pyramid with circular base.
In the premises, the volume of cone is
V= 1/3 * B* h
We can also use cavalieri's principle to find the volume of cone.
Cavalieri's principle
If area of cross sections at parallel heights of two solids and their volume are proportional.
दुईवटा solids लाई उही उचाईबाट parallel plane ले काट्दा बन्ने cross sections को area र ति दुईवटा solids को volume समानुपातिक हुनेछ।
दुईवटा solids लाई उही उचाईबाट parallel plane ले काट्दा बन्ने cross sections को area बराबर भएमा ति दुईवटा solids को volume पनि बराबर हुनेछ।