Google Classroom
GeoGebraClasse GeoGebra

Standing at Sword's Point

Are you ready to yield the point?

Are you ready to yield the point?

OBJECTIVE: To learn how to use some tools inside the Point and Line Toolboxes

The second and third toolboxes in the toolbar of GeoGebra Classic's Graphing Perspective are thePoint Toolbox (highlighted in the left figure) and the Line Toolbox (highlighted in the right figure). Click on the Point Toolbox to display all the tools it contains. You will find 8 tools, including the Point Tool at the very top. The other tools are: Point on Object, Attach/Detach Point, Intersect, Midpoint or Center, Complex Number, Extremum, and Roots. In this lesson, you will learn how to use the first 3 tools on top. Click on the Line Toolbox to display the tools inside. You will see 7 tools, including the Line Tool on top. The other tools are: Segment, Segment with Given Length, Ray, Polyline, Vector, and Vector from Point. In this lesson, you will learn how to use the first 2 tools on top. Interact with the applet below by activating, constructing, deactivating, and moving any of the following 5 tools: Point, Point on Object, Attach/Detach Point, Line, and Segment. To activate a tool, click on the proper toolbox and select the tool from the dropdown box. The icon for the tool will be highlighted until it is deactivated. Follow the Tooltips to do the construction. Deactivate the tool by clicking on the Move Tool. Move the constructed object, taking note of any restrictions on its movements. After doing this activity, answer the questions that follow.

QUESTION: What is the difference between the Point Tool and the Point on Object Tool? Briefly explain.

QUESTION: What does the Attach/Detach Point Tool do? Briefly explain.

QUESTION: What is the difference between a line and a line segment? Briefly explain.

QUESTION: What does the trash can icon do?

TODAY you learned how to use 3 tools in the Point Toolbox and 2 tools in the Line Toolbox.

In future lessons, you'll learn more about GeoGebra construction tools. Did you ENJOY doing today's constructions?