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GeoGebra Classroom
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GeoGebra Classroom
Boxplot Tool - Five Number Summary (0 to 200)
Boxplot: Datenaufteilung in Farbe
Standard Deviation Formulae
Histograma: Temps d'estacionament de cotxes en un aparcament
binomial distribution
normal distribution
Normal Distrubution Calculator
Measures of Center
Hypothesis Test: Two-Tail, Normal Distribution
Hypothesis Test: Right Tail, Normal Distribution
Chi Squared worksheet
Linear Regression & Correlation Worksheet
Standard Normal Distribution
Normal Distribution Worksheet (Left Tail)
AQR Section 16: Matching a Pie Chart to a Dot Plot
Probability distribution of dice
Estadística - Los goles
Chi2-test med 1 frihedsgrad
Scatter Slider : Correlation & Line of Best Fit
Lineær regression
Normal Distribution: mean,
Linear Regression
normal curves and much more
Guess the Correlation!
Practicing Statistical Calculation
Statistical Calculator
Bag of Marbles
Measures of Center - Dot Plot
Association/Correlation of Variables on a Scatterplot
Cristina Masotta
Boxplot Tool - Five Number Summary (0 to 200)
Boxplot: Datenaufteilung in Farbe
Standard Deviation Formulae
Histograma: Temps d'estacionament de cotxes en un aparcament
binomial distribution
normal distribution
Normal Distrubution Calculator
Measures of Center
Hypothesis Test: Two-Tail, Normal Distribution
Hypothesis Test: Right Tail, Normal Distribution
Chi Squared worksheet
Linear Regression & Correlation Worksheet
Standard Normal Distribution
Normal Distribution Worksheet (Left Tail)
AQR Section 16: Matching a Pie Chart to a Dot Plot
Probability distribution of dice
Estadística - Los goles
Chi2-test med 1 frihedsgrad
Scatter Slider : Correlation & Line of Best Fit
Lineær regression
Normal Distribution: mean,
Linear Regression
normal curves and much more
Guess the Correlation!
Practicing Statistical Calculation
Statistical Calculator
Bag of Marbles
Measures of Center - Dot Plot
Association/Correlation of Variables on a Scatterplot
Boxplot Tool - Five Number Summary (0 to 200)
New Resources
power rule of x^n derivatives
Balls in an Urn
Experiments with Transformations in the Plane
גיליון אלקטרוני להעלאת נתוני בעיה ויצירת גרף בהתאם
centripetal force
Discover Resources
Luas dan keliling trapesium
Chicago Airspace
Observe location of the longest side and the largest angle.
Create the building blocks of geometry
Discover Topics
Random Experiments
Difference and Slope
Special Points